

All upcoming beekeeping events. Sign up today and we’ll see you there!

Upcoming Events

Interested in beekeeping?

Join our Association and become a Beekeeper!

Whether you’re just starting out, or a master beekeeper, we welcome you to join our beekeeping community and conservation efforts, right here in Central Wisconsin! 

We invite anyone and everyone to join us on this fun, fulfilling, and uplifting adventure. If you have a passion for nature and the outdoors: signup today! 

 Simply sign up for an event above and join us beekeeping! – or feel free to contact us directly here or on Facebook, anytime. 

We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you soon!

Interested in beekeeping? Join our Association and become a Beekeeper! - Sign up above and get started today

Whether you’re just starting out, or a master beekeeper, we welcome you to join our beekeeping community and conservation efforts, right here in Central Wisconsin! We invite anyone and everyone to join us on this fun, fulfilling, and uplifting adventure. If you have a passion for nature and the outdoors: signup today! 

Simply sign up for an event on the calendar above and join us for beekeeping! – or feel free to contact us directly here or on Facebook

Welcome to the association! We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you soon!

Youth Program

Coming soon…